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Consultation Result for the Venue Arrangement Service (Package 2) of the Fifth China (Mianyang) Science & Technology City International High-Tech Expo

日博365体育在线 2017-09-07 22:53:59

Pursuant to relevant provisions of the approved Competitive Consultation Document for the Venue Arrangement Service of the Fifth China (Mianyang) Science & Technology City International High-Tech Expo, Exhibition and Tourism Co., Ltd., Mianyang Science Technology City Development Investment (Group) organized the competitive consultation for venue arrangement service (package 2) of the Fifth High-Tech Expo on July 19, 2017 in Conference Room 9 on F2 of West Building 2, Pavilion A, Mianyang International Convention Center. As of the deadline of submitting response documents, a total of 5 suppliers submitted response documents, all of which passed the compliance review. The Evaluation Committee reviewed the respondents that had passed the compliance review and their respective response documents based on the review details as prescribed in the competitive consultation documents. The candidate winners are hereby publicized as below based on the evaluation score in a descending order:

Candidate Winner 1: Mianyang Huangjia Culture Development Co., Ltd.

Candidate Winner 2: Sichuan Shuangxi Culture Communications Co., Ltd.

The publicity period is 3 business days. If the respondents or other stakeholders have any objections, they should raise them within the publicity period. Otherwise, the Purchaser will determine the candidate winners 1 and 2 as the winners of the project.

It is hereby notified.

Exhibition and Tourism Co., Ltd., Mianyang Science Technology City Development Investment (Group)

July 20, 2017


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